Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Double Up
I have teamed up with a good friend of mine who I have only recently found out has a strong interest in the paranormal. We will be commencing our first investigations soon and I will post my results on this blog.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hauntings 101
To say a place is "haunted" is to very broadly and vaguely describe the unexplained phenomena occurring in said place.
There are several different categories most hauntings can be filed into, and with a little investigation into a haunting, it usually doesn't take long to realise what you are dealing with. A location may well have a multiple of these hauntings, all co-existing and feeding off of the same energy.
Here are the main types and some of their typical traits experienced:
1. Residual Haunting
Residual hauntings are simply remnants of the past; moments of high energy (negative or positive) captured within the atmosphere and replaying over and over again.
A lot of these types of hauntings seem to replay a victims last moments; playing out the scene of their murder or accidental death. One could only imagine the heightened state of terror a person would feel when faced with sudden death (especially in a violent situation) and the immense energy caused by these emotions. This energy leaves a kind of imprint on the surroundings, so lasting that it can replay for hundreds of years, perhaps longer.
These residual hauntings are not considered to be spirits of the deceased, just a soulless projection of what was. Therefore they cannot be communicated with, will not give intelligent answers to questions nor will they notice your presence. EVPs can be captured of them, as can visual evidence. They can also be heard by the ear, seen by the eye and energies can be felt, but they will not respond.
As well as visual and audio phenomena, a residual haunting may also include experiences of mild to extreme emotions and feelings. The energy left behind creating this haunting can replicate the feelings that were had at the time. A person experiencing this type of haunting may suddenly have a sudden rush of terror, faintness, nausea, anger or even happiness.
2. Active/intelligent Haunting
This is the kind of haunting that provide the best visual and audio evidence. As these are human spirits, they are able to listen and communicate.
Depending on their willingness, a spirit will often intelligently respond to a question asked of them such as saying a name when asked who they are, naming the location they are at etc.
As in life, not all spirits are 'good souls'. Some may be unwelcoming, angry and violent and wish you harm. This does not mean they are demonic, and should not be confused as being so.
An intelligent haunting can show the same sort of signs as a residual haunting so at first can be hard to distinguish between the two. It is not until communication is attempted that the two can be properly distinguished.
3. Poltergeist Haunting
A poltergeist is the source of much debate. Some consider it a ghost, others a non-human energy, some believe it to be a projection of energy from a highly emotional person.
This kind of haunting can be very frightening and unpredictable as strong poltergeist activity is capable of great destruction.
Bumps in the night, tappings, and feelings of pressure on the body are early and mild signs of a poltergeist. This can quickly escalate into objects thrown, heavy furniture moved, people pushed, even fires started.
So what exactly is a poltergeist?
We may never know for sure. It is never a 'good' sort of haunting, preferring pesky behaviour and utter chaos to a peaceful co-existence. This leads to the general conclusion that it is not of human decent.
A large percentage of poltergeist cases involve adolescent girls (notoriously emotional) or people in a troubled mental state. This leads to the theory of energy projection creating this poltergeist. A subconscious and uncontrolled effort by these people, a blast of pent up energy and emotion manifesting itself to manipulate the environment. Is this just the body relieving itself of energy and emotion when it gets to breaking point?
Many people have their own opinion and theory of what a poltergeist could be. I have often thought of a poltergeist as a pre-existing type of parasitic energy, leaked through from some sort of vortex like the ones spirit and demons enter through. At first they are weak of energy, until they find a host (someone of heightened emotional state to 'feed' off of). The more unstable this person's energy is, the more the poltergeist will draw upon this energy resulting in a stronger presence and ability to manipulate the environment.
4. Demon Haunting
Nothing sends chills down an investigators spine more than the thought of dealing with a demon. Although one of the rare kinds of hauntings, they are ever present and are a serious matter. They are known to latch on to people in their presence, darkening their lives with attacks of increasing aggressiveness.
It's very possible for a demon to follow a person from place to place, as they are usually not attached to a dwelling. It is also said a demon is capable of travelling long distances in the blink of an eye.
They are cunning and deceiving. Often taking the form of something very innocent (such as the spectre of a child) to try and lure a potential victim in. They can imitate voices of both living and dead children, adults, even animals.
Made up of dark energy, no one is sure where they come from or what they truly are. They are not of this world and have never been human, therefore are not 'ghosts'. They can take the shape of what a human assumes a demon to look like, or can appear as simply a black mass.
5. Shadow People
The mysterious shadow people. I have written an entire post about them before (see: March 19, 2010). An unexplained black featureless silhouette that can move through walls but yet seem to be different from ghosts. Whoever sees them has an immediate feeling of dread. Most people who have been haunted by them, as well as psychics and mediums who encounter them all agree that they do not feel them to be human. Of course this is not definite- they very well could be 'dark souls' who were unable to move on after death.
They most often appear to be made up of a black smoke and do not appear to be wearing clothes apart from the often spotted 'man wearing a hat' and 'hooded figure'.
6. Doppelganger Haunting
A doppelganger is a sinister and evil version of someone living. Like an evil clone. Most people who have seen their own doppelganger (often this doppelganger is going about daily activities) have soon been confronted with bad news or death.
They appear and reappear out of nowhere. They may show themselves to their 'twin', or to friends and family of the twin, who are often unaware that what they are looking at is in fact a doppelganger - until they notice a strangeness or unresponsiveness in this entity.
There are several different categories most hauntings can be filed into, and with a little investigation into a haunting, it usually doesn't take long to realise what you are dealing with. A location may well have a multiple of these hauntings, all co-existing and feeding off of the same energy.
Here are the main types and some of their typical traits experienced:
1. Residual Haunting
Residual hauntings are simply remnants of the past; moments of high energy (negative or positive) captured within the atmosphere and replaying over and over again.
A lot of these types of hauntings seem to replay a victims last moments; playing out the scene of their murder or accidental death. One could only imagine the heightened state of terror a person would feel when faced with sudden death (especially in a violent situation) and the immense energy caused by these emotions. This energy leaves a kind of imprint on the surroundings, so lasting that it can replay for hundreds of years, perhaps longer.
These residual hauntings are not considered to be spirits of the deceased, just a soulless projection of what was. Therefore they cannot be communicated with, will not give intelligent answers to questions nor will they notice your presence. EVPs can be captured of them, as can visual evidence. They can also be heard by the ear, seen by the eye and energies can be felt, but they will not respond.
As well as visual and audio phenomena, a residual haunting may also include experiences of mild to extreme emotions and feelings. The energy left behind creating this haunting can replicate the feelings that were had at the time. A person experiencing this type of haunting may suddenly have a sudden rush of terror, faintness, nausea, anger or even happiness.
2. Active/intelligent Haunting
This is the kind of haunting that provide the best visual and audio evidence. As these are human spirits, they are able to listen and communicate.
Depending on their willingness, a spirit will often intelligently respond to a question asked of them such as saying a name when asked who they are, naming the location they are at etc.
As in life, not all spirits are 'good souls'. Some may be unwelcoming, angry and violent and wish you harm. This does not mean they are demonic, and should not be confused as being so.
An intelligent haunting can show the same sort of signs as a residual haunting so at first can be hard to distinguish between the two. It is not until communication is attempted that the two can be properly distinguished.
3. Poltergeist Haunting
A poltergeist is the source of much debate. Some consider it a ghost, others a non-human energy, some believe it to be a projection of energy from a highly emotional person.
This kind of haunting can be very frightening and unpredictable as strong poltergeist activity is capable of great destruction.
Bumps in the night, tappings, and feelings of pressure on the body are early and mild signs of a poltergeist. This can quickly escalate into objects thrown, heavy furniture moved, people pushed, even fires started.
So what exactly is a poltergeist?
We may never know for sure. It is never a 'good' sort of haunting, preferring pesky behaviour and utter chaos to a peaceful co-existence. This leads to the general conclusion that it is not of human decent.
A large percentage of poltergeist cases involve adolescent girls (notoriously emotional) or people in a troubled mental state. This leads to the theory of energy projection creating this poltergeist. A subconscious and uncontrolled effort by these people, a blast of pent up energy and emotion manifesting itself to manipulate the environment. Is this just the body relieving itself of energy and emotion when it gets to breaking point?
Many people have their own opinion and theory of what a poltergeist could be. I have often thought of a poltergeist as a pre-existing type of parasitic energy, leaked through from some sort of vortex like the ones spirit and demons enter through. At first they are weak of energy, until they find a host (someone of heightened emotional state to 'feed' off of). The more unstable this person's energy is, the more the poltergeist will draw upon this energy resulting in a stronger presence and ability to manipulate the environment.
4. Demon Haunting
Nothing sends chills down an investigators spine more than the thought of dealing with a demon. Although one of the rare kinds of hauntings, they are ever present and are a serious matter. They are known to latch on to people in their presence, darkening their lives with attacks of increasing aggressiveness.
It's very possible for a demon to follow a person from place to place, as they are usually not attached to a dwelling. It is also said a demon is capable of travelling long distances in the blink of an eye.
They are cunning and deceiving. Often taking the form of something very innocent (such as the spectre of a child) to try and lure a potential victim in. They can imitate voices of both living and dead children, adults, even animals.
Made up of dark energy, no one is sure where they come from or what they truly are. They are not of this world and have never been human, therefore are not 'ghosts'. They can take the shape of what a human assumes a demon to look like, or can appear as simply a black mass.
5. Shadow People
The mysterious shadow people. I have written an entire post about them before (see: March 19, 2010). An unexplained black featureless silhouette that can move through walls but yet seem to be different from ghosts. Whoever sees them has an immediate feeling of dread. Most people who have been haunted by them, as well as psychics and mediums who encounter them all agree that they do not feel them to be human. Of course this is not definite- they very well could be 'dark souls' who were unable to move on after death.
They most often appear to be made up of a black smoke and do not appear to be wearing clothes apart from the often spotted 'man wearing a hat' and 'hooded figure'.
6. Doppelganger Haunting
A doppelganger is a sinister and evil version of someone living. Like an evil clone. Most people who have seen their own doppelganger (often this doppelganger is going about daily activities) have soon been confronted with bad news or death.
They appear and reappear out of nowhere. They may show themselves to their 'twin', or to friends and family of the twin, who are often unaware that what they are looking at is in fact a doppelganger - until they notice a strangeness or unresponsiveness in this entity.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
EVP's at Glengallan
Following my post about Glengallan, I headed up there today and I think I actually managed to catch some EVP's in the short time I was there. I didn't conduct a proper investigation but just walked around/sat down with my recorder.
That video contains all three, and if you read the description I explain how and where each one was caught. Any comments greatly appreciated.
That video contains all three, and if you read the description I explain how and where each one was caught. Any comments greatly appreciated.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Glengallan Homestead & The Ghost Gate

This site of interest is a mere 10 minute drive from where I live. It's a large house known as "Glengallan Homestead", built in the 1860's and once the centre of a large, wealthy estate.
It sits between the towns of Allora and Warwick, in Queenslands historic Darling Downs region.
Glengallen was never completed. The founder of the estate died bankrupt and broken and the full potential of Glengallen was never realised. After passing from owner to another it was soon abandoned and left to become a ruin. For 70 years it rotted away into a further state of disrepair until eventually it was saved and bit by bit is being restored to it's former glory by a group of dedicated volunteers.
The house is open for visits and many people have reported eerie feelings when inside the house as well as the feeling of just needing to "get out". One day I hope to conduct a proper investigation on the house and outside areas - the place where the servants quarters burned down, and the still standing woolshed but most of all the site where the "ghost gate" once stood.
The nearby Gate that allowed passage to travellers and visitors to the homestead in it's day was seemingly plagued with ghost stories from the start.
Tales of the gate mysteriously opening and closing for people passing through as well as the presence of a white owl upon the gate baffled all those who witnessed it first hand or even heard ot it .
A stockman quoted he was "off the grog" for weeks after an unknown apparition opened and shut the gate for him one night as he galloped through.
Another man by the name of Edward Sparksman had been playing fiddle for a dance held in the Glengallan woolshed one night when on his way home experienced the same peculiar happenings.
Some "victims" noted a white owl perched upon the gate and said that when it flew away the gate would open. The force of an owl taking off would not be enough to open a heavy gate like this one. and still leaves the silent shutting of the gate once the passer by was through unexplained. The owl must have had some connection to the gate or the spirit no doubt, but it is unlikely it was the cause of the opening or shutting.
It seems a goodwilled (or even cheeky perhaps?) spirit occupied the gate and I imagine must have enjoyed the reactions of his (or her) efforts.
Today the gate is gone, but the site is marked by a monumental white owl and a signpost on the backtrack reads "Ghost Gate Road". Could the helpful spirit still linger down Ghost Gate Road, waiting for travellers to pass by? That's something that I would love to find out.
It sits between the towns of Allora and Warwick, in Queenslands historic Darling Downs region.
Glengallen was never completed. The founder of the estate died bankrupt and broken and the full potential of Glengallen was never realised. After passing from owner to another it was soon abandoned and left to become a ruin. For 70 years it rotted away into a further state of disrepair until eventually it was saved and bit by bit is being restored to it's former glory by a group of dedicated volunteers.
The house is open for visits and many people have reported eerie feelings when inside the house as well as the feeling of just needing to "get out". One day I hope to conduct a proper investigation on the house and outside areas - the place where the servants quarters burned down, and the still standing woolshed but most of all the site where the "ghost gate" once stood.
The nearby Gate that allowed passage to travellers and visitors to the homestead in it's day was seemingly plagued with ghost stories from the start.
Tales of the gate mysteriously opening and closing for people passing through as well as the presence of a white owl upon the gate baffled all those who witnessed it first hand or even heard ot it .
A stockman quoted he was "off the grog" for weeks after an unknown apparition opened and shut the gate for him one night as he galloped through.
Another man by the name of Edward Sparksman had been playing fiddle for a dance held in the Glengallan woolshed one night when on his way home experienced the same peculiar happenings.
Some "victims" noted a white owl perched upon the gate and said that when it flew away the gate would open. The force of an owl taking off would not be enough to open a heavy gate like this one. and still leaves the silent shutting of the gate once the passer by was through unexplained. The owl must have had some connection to the gate or the spirit no doubt, but it is unlikely it was the cause of the opening or shutting.
It seems a goodwilled (or even cheeky perhaps?) spirit occupied the gate and I imagine must have enjoyed the reactions of his (or her) efforts.
Today the gate is gone, but the site is marked by a monumental white owl and a signpost on the backtrack reads "Ghost Gate Road". Could the helpful spirit still linger down Ghost Gate Road, waiting for travellers to pass by? That's something that I would love to find out.
Darling Downs Paranormal (DDP)
Today I have decided to try my luck (again) with the slow process of starting up a paranormal investigation group.
Only problem is that it seems there is no one else within 100 miles of here that shares my interest in the paranormal....
Prove me wrong.
If you live on the Darling Downs QLD and would like to participate and join (it's free!) please contact me. Even wiith just a few people it can be a fully functioning group.
Only problem is that it seems there is no one else within 100 miles of here that shares my interest in the paranormal....
Prove me wrong.
If you live on the Darling Downs QLD and would like to participate and join (it's free!) please contact me. Even wiith just a few people it can be a fully functioning group.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hiding In Shadows

One paranormal entity that has aways unnerved me is the mysterious "shadow people". I have never seen a human shadow form, but I did however catch a glimpse of an animal shadow form - a cat that was perched upon my desk in my bedroom, that quickly jumped down into thin air when I opened my door to enter. As I have four cats at home, (none of which are allowed in my room) I first supposed that one had managed to sneak in, but upon extensive searching, found no such cat to be hiding anywhere in the room. The ghostly cat was black, and followed the common traits of a shadow form.
Here's a little excerpt from Wikipedia:
Shadow people (also known as shadow figures, shadow beings, shadow men, or shadow folk) are supernatural shadow-like figures of both modern folklore and paranormal popular culturee that believers describe as dark humanoid forms or evasive specters that are seen mostly in peripheral vision.
Hmm, interesting.
You see, shadow people are reportedly the most common of all apparitions seen. They can be men, women, children and animals as I had seen.
Many have actually been reported to be just black masses with red glowing eyes (THAT part scares me). Also it seems that descriptions of seen shadow people have been so consistent in fact that there is actually a belief that the very same shadow entity is responsible for multiple sightings and hauntings, I.E a shadow man with a hat (or "hat man" as he is referred) is described as a very common apparition sighting as well as the "hooded figure". Whether it is the same man with a hat and hooded figure each time is doubtful to me, but many believe it to be so.
So why are they made up of a black mass?
The mass of their form is apparently so dense that flashlights will not even penetrate and unlike many other apparitions seen, they are often not translucent at all.
Popular belief says that the shadow form is due to their spiritual condition. The black shadow represents an absence of light or truth - not necessarily that they are of evil or malevolent intention, but that for some reason or another, the entity is unwilling to go towards the light and move on from this world.
This may be due to continuing attachments to people, objects or places in the physical world, or very often are hiding in fear of moving onto an eternal hell as punishment for something they have committed in their physical life.
Another trait typical in shadow people is fearfulness of being seen. Almost all sightings are reported as a fleeting glimpse as the apparition hastily disappears from sight, or the apparition may be calm and seemingly unaware in the presence of physical people - until the entity realises it can be seen. Shadow people even go so far to remain unseen that another common sighting is of a shadow person peeking around corners while in a manifested state.
Their will to stay in hiding at all costs is somewhat puzzling. Only coming out in darkness, hiding behind objects and perhaps even using a sort of camouflage (the shadow form) is fascinating. What are they hiding from, that even in death in a spiritual form, keeps them running for what could be an eternity?
The picture used is the infamous Moundsville Penitentiary Shadow Man photo, captured by Polly Gear of Mountaineer Ghosts Paranormal Investigators. Read her fascinating account of the shadow man here: http://www.angelsghosts.com/moundsville_penitentiary_shadow_man_ghost_picture.html
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Wow, almost a year after that last post promising a return to PP I never quite did make a comeback.... Better late than never I say.
Anyway, lately I have been thinking about my past ghosthunting days. I havent been on an investigation in perhaps almost 2 years.
Why? Because time hasn't permitted, and there's simply no one to go with anymore. All the friends and fellow enthusiasts I used to hunt with have moved away to better places, and alas, I am the only one left. Investigations are never as much fun by yourself.
So it got me thinking... What if I were to form another group, a local paranormal society with people who; although they may be complete strangers at first, share the same love and passion of the unkown?
People who would be willing to donate one or two weekends a month to conducting research and investigations at active locations around the downs?
Yes, That's exactly what I'll do.
If you live in the Darling Downs region of QLD Australia and are interested, send me a comment or email and we may get this thing rolling.
Anyway, lately I have been thinking about my past ghosthunting days. I havent been on an investigation in perhaps almost 2 years.
Why? Because time hasn't permitted, and there's simply no one to go with anymore. All the friends and fellow enthusiasts I used to hunt with have moved away to better places, and alas, I am the only one left. Investigations are never as much fun by yourself.
So it got me thinking... What if I were to form another group, a local paranormal society with people who; although they may be complete strangers at first, share the same love and passion of the unkown?
People who would be willing to donate one or two weekends a month to conducting research and investigations at active locations around the downs?
Yes, That's exactly what I'll do.
If you live in the Darling Downs region of QLD Australia and are interested, send me a comment or email and we may get this thing rolling.
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